
Strike Spirits is sure to be a game changing addition to your bar display, spirits assortment and cocktail menu. A Strike Spirits cocktail menu adds a twist of fun for bowlers to enjoy their favorite cocktails named after some of bowling’s common everyday terminology. Drinks like “Spare Me”, “The Perfect Game” and “The 11th Frame” are sure to rejuvenate your specialty cocktail menu. 



  • 2 oz Vodka 8e I oz Olive Juice
  • Combine Liquids in mixing glass with ice. Stir or strain into long stemmed glass. Garnish with olive

Spare Me

  • 1 oz Vodka, ½ oz Triple Sec & ½ oz Lime Juice
  • Combine all ingredients with cracked ice in shaker. Strain into long glass or serve on the rocks

Love Tap

  • 2 oz Rum, 1 oz Lime Juice & 2 oz Cola
  • Stir all ingredients with ice serve on the rocks with lime twist

Late 10

  • 2 oz Dark Rum , ½ oz Triple Sec ¾ oz Lime Juice, ½ oz Orange Juice
  • Combine all ingredients in a shaker and fill with crushed ice Shake and serve on the rocks


  • ½ oz Tequila, 4 oz Orange Juice Bel dash Grenadine
  • Add tequila and then the orange juice to a chilled glass Float grenadine on top garnish with an orange slice and a cherry

Double Wood

  • 1 ½ oz Tequila, 1 oz Cointreau/Triple Sec, ¾ oz Lime Juice
  • Add the ingredients to a shaker filled with ice and shake Strain into a glass with ice. Garnish with a lime

The Turkey

  • 2oz Whiskey, 1 Cherry 8e 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry.

11th Frame

  • 1oz Gin, 1oz Campari, & 1oz Sweet Vermouth
  • Add all the ingredients to an Old Fashioned glass and fill with ice. Stir until cold. Garnish with an orange half-wheel

Perfect Game

  • 2½oz Gin, ½oz Simple Syrup, 8e ½oz Lime Juice
  • Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled glass, serve on the rocks. Garnish with a lime wheel.